Adventure 3 Recap

Clipper’s third Adventure was a success! Pirates from across the seven seas of DeFi came together to engage in friendly competition, honing their creative skills, on-chain activity, and shared community values, to build a home together–Clippertopia!
While 29,000 pirates embarked on the mission, only 14,000 survived to the very end to earn Adventure 3 NFT badges. The Adventure was broken up into three Quests, each spanning 1-2 weeks. In Quest 1, the pirates submitted over 13,000 pieces of art to the NFT design competition! Captains from each ship selected the best designs and a Twitter vote decided the winners. Winners earned the Clipper Creator role (+ other rewards) and their artwork was used in the official Adventure 3 NFT badges awarded at the end.

In the second Quest, pirate teams worked together to unearth passwords that unlocked two quizzes. One quiz tested their knowledge of leveraged trading and the Longship DEX (to be released in 2023). The other covered Clipper’s Community Values, (knowledge, playfulness, and camaraderie) and involved the unveiling of a special Discord channel. Pirates worked together to pass a threshold of swaps and deposits in the Polygon core pool and participated in a Quiz Debriefery where those with the quickest of wit were awarded the Gunner role and NFT badge.

The final Quest presented the remaining pirates with over 75 tasks in which they could earn NFT badges! Tasks included swapping and depositing in Clipper core pools, buying health potions, interacting with select Polygon and Arbitrum coves, completing Crew3 tasks that tested their mastery of the Clipper Community Values, and more. All earned NFT badges were then displayed on the pirate’s Character, Profile, and Inventory screen, which showed a leaderboard and the pirate's Treasure Chest of earned items.

Congrats to the pirate team aboard the winning ship, Bloodsail Bandit! These 3,671 courageous souls not only made it to the very end but sailed home with Winner badges. Another ~ 20,000 NFTs were also distributed for completed tasks. All in all, a very successful adventure. Everyone had a blast and earned cool NFTs along the way. Stay tuned for the next one!