Clipper's Enhanced Experience

A Leap Forward for LPs
Clipper is designed to provide LPs the highest returns possible on a portfolio of crypto blue chip assets. Part of that mission includes continual, incremental improvements to meet the needs and expectations of Clipper’s community of users. Following a comprehensive study conducted by Shipyard Software in 2023, Clipper underwent a series of significant updates to its UI. These updates are more than just cosmetic changes; they're a reflection of Clipper’s commitment to providing an intuitive, efficient, and user-focused platform.
Clipper's LP Dashboard: A New Way to View Your Returns

Central to Clipper’s enhanced UX is the brand new LP Dashboard. This feature is a direct response to user feedback requesting context on pool performance and individual LP performance in one accessible location. The dashboard offers a concise and informative overview of pool performance on a per-network basis. LPs also see their individual deposit performance displayed in APY terms. LPs can also see their SAIL balances and any farming rewards they have earned on their deposit.
The LP Dashboard provides key links to assist LPs with research, making it easier than ever to track performance and make informed decisions.
Streamlined Access to Information

Clipper’s redesign improves access to information at each stage of the decision journey. Consolidated research and reward data are now available in single easy-to-navigate sections. This enhancement not only streamlines your experience but also ensures that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips, without the need to switch between different sections of the app. The new navigation emphasizes these enhancements with a simplified menu of core transaction activities.
Simplified SAIL Transactions

SAIL balances and rewards are now easier to access. The staking transaction process has been simplified and SAIL hodlers can see all of their SAIL balances - including veSAIL and farming rewards, in one location. Moreover, links to more information on farming, harvesting, and staking is now located in one central information hub, empowering hodlers and prospective LPs alike to make informed decisions with ease.
Steered by Community

Clipper exists because of its globe-spanning community. Updates to the platform are deeply rooted in the insights gathered from regular community input through Discord and from recent users surveys. Close analysis of the feedback combined with app usage data enable the Clipper team to tailor these updates to directly address the needs and preferences expressed by our community. Clipper users are the compass that navigate to our north star - higher returns from LPs.
Explore and experience Clipper's enhanced app environment for yourself. Your feedback is vital to our continuous improvement, so please share your thoughts and suggestions. Together, we'll keep pushing the boundaries of DeFi as we build a better financial system for everyone.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of the Clipper DEX journey!